Saturday, May 23, 2009

Going back to Harstine Island

So we decided to take a small break and head to Harstine Island for a night. We had a great time. Even though I cried every 20 seconds because I missed our Tessa so much! It was nice to get out.
Harstine Island is the most peacefull place ever. Lots of trees, lots of water, and lots of wild life!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tessa's First weeks home

Having Tessa home has been amazing. How the time flies! Week by week we see her grow. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home.
Her first week home is when Kyle and I learned the most. Not only did we have a newborn, we had a almost one month early, very tiny newborn.
Here are some pictures of her first month home.

The first few weeks have flown by! I wish time would slow down a little. Before we know it Our little baby Tessa will be all grown up. Here are some more pictures of the first few weeks.