Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spendin Time with the family

The week that we were all in Washington we did a lot of fun things.

We all made gingerbread houses. It was a lot of fun.

Grandma and Grandpa got the kids the cutest outfits and we all went to Maggiano's (YUM)

We also went and got Family pictures. It was way past due. The last ones we have Tessa is only a couple months old.

After we got home we still had one more Christmas, with my parents.

We have such an amazing family. Love you all! xo

Monday, February 28, 2011


It's a little late..I know. But I don't get the chance to blog very often. :)

We spent this Christmas in Washington. Tessa had so much fun with her cousins, McKenna and River.

This year Grandma had a Christmas "Week" Where the Grand kids each got one gift every night of the week leading up to Christmas. They Got Disney dolls with matching PJ's, Fun suckers with silly faces, just to name a couple. The kids thought it was so much fun, and I thought I should of brought a bigger suitcase to take it all home. :)

Christmas Eve we all got our Pajamas.

Christmas Morning-
After Presents and breakfast we went to Grandma & Grandpa Hanks House to visit with Family and have Lunch. Oh ya, and Ice Cream.